
Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School-- A Big Day for a Little Guy

Today was the kiddo's first real day of school at UCP. He went to the summer program two days a  week for 3 hours a day, but this is a whole new world for us. As of today he will be going to the toddler program for 6 hours a day, four days a week, all at the tender age of 2 years old.

I have been with Matt every day of his life, never spending more than a couple hours away for any reason. With his epilepsy and other health issues, I don't just leave him with anyone either. My in-laws are the only ones who have ever cared for him other than Joe and I until now. This is a big adjustment for me, learning to let go and trust others with my precious boy. Also, because for the first time in two years, I have no idea what to do with myself when I am not caring for him.

He was so excited when he got to his classroom, he saw the other kids running around and playing with toys while their parents were waiting to speak with the teacher. I emptied his backpack and filled his cubby, then sat him in his Rifton chair and kissed him goodbye. I knew that he wouldn't be staying the full class time today because we had a standing speech and occupational therapy appointment, but it was so hard leaving him.

I get a lot of questions from other parents as to why I have him in school so young. Most tell me, "Good for you! You need a break!" That isn't why we chose this path for him. We wanted Matt to learn life skills,to get supplemental speech and occupational therapies (hopefully physical therapy too at some point), and to be with other kids who are like him.

I will miss my little monkey, but I am so excited to see the progress to come! And hopefully this will mean that I will have more time to work more here :)


  1. Replies
    1. He has taken to school extremely well and will even nap for them when he stopped doing it at home before his first birthday. His teachers say he is doing really well and hasn't cried nearly as much as other kids in his class.

      Separation has definitely been harder for me, but I'll get used to it :)
